Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Google Nexus Released in June. Rumor?

The latest rumors said that Google’s Nexus tablet will reportedly ship in June with an initial volume of 600,000 units per month. Digitimes stated the tablet (which is developed incollaboration with ASUS) is ready to be launched in July. DigiTimes notes that Google initially wanted to release the Nexus tablet in May, but the developers did not come with a satisfactory design and the cost was a little bit high than expected. Google had to make some modifications and that’s why the launch of the tablet was delayed till July. Google’s hopes for its new device are very high and people expect that the shipments will reach 2.5 million...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III. Price, Specs and Features.

Another Quad-core powered Android Samsung users have expected a quad-core processor for a while, its direct competitors in the Android space like HTC and ZTE already boasting of quad-core processors. Samsung Galaxy S III meets that expectation and possibly opens the door for a few other Galaxy phones to go quad-core. The 1.4GHz quad-core processor is really doing its job, providing the needed power and performance to drive this super phone. Samsung Galaxy S III runs the Google Android 4.0 OS (Ice Cream sandwich) with all the new software features it brings to the table. The Age of Massive Displays After its success...
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